Higher Plain of Existence
May 13, 2003
by Scott Morley 


"George, I want you to sit right down and hear me out. Now, I know you're a good person in your heart and you've got a lot of ideas running around in your head. Your getting' confused, maybe sometimes angry and maybe a little vain too. And I got to tell you, George, I'm scared see; because you're my friend see. You're my close family friend. You're a friend to my only son, a part of my family, and I don't want to see your everlasting soul burning in that pit of damnation for an eternity - and then some. I don't want to see that for you or your family. Lord, when I picture you mother and father burning in Hell, it makes me so sad. But Hell awaits, yes, Hell awaits those who don't have faith in our Lord Jesus.

But, your lucky son, because it's never too late to repent, see, to see the light and be born again into The Lord Jesus, into the bosom of his faithful, eternal love."

"Well, Mr. Meyers. I don't really know yet. I guess I'm kind of waiting for proof. Like maybe what Christianity could do for me, to make me a better person. You know?"

"ah, buh-whu! Do for you! Did you ask me what Christ could do for you! What the only son of our everlasting God - that created you! That gave you all you have, that placed the breath of life into your very soul, could do for you!

Let me tell you something George. Before I saw the light, boy I was a sinner of every sin you could imagine. I've done things I can't even speak of to this day. See? I fornicated and adulterated and sinned against family and neighbor alike. I stole from everyone, cheated, hated. I played cards and spent whole paychecks gambling. I beat my wife and kids. I slept with the Whore of Babylon! Can you believe I did it? Looking at me now? Could you guess it? Why, I did it more than once! Yup! I drank so much, every night, drunk. Never remembered what I'd done the night before. Jeeze, I was an animal. I was a selfish, bigoted man, ready to find your faults and make you look like the weaker man before I cheated you of every last cent. That's how vain I was!"

"But God, huh huh, my Lord everlasting Jesus, excuse me if I shed a tear now. I just hear the Lord, well. Jesus, he's done so much for me. So much. Gave me everything I ever wanted, he did. First he forgave me of all my sins and cleansed the very filth from my soul, see. So I was born again. Born into a life without guilt, free from hate - a life of love and forgiveness, kindness and ! doing positive things. Why, my spirit! Spirit is just a-glowin' with love and forgiveness now!

All you need, George, is faith. You got to believe with all your heart – in the spirit of Jesus! Once you believe, once you let him take you into his bosom, well, your soul is set free see. Jesus asks nothing more from you, just your eternal faith. Then he'll set you free and take you into the bosom of his heart. When you've found Jesus, the rest comes clear and simple, for he starts to make you a better man. He pulls out all the negative – the Devil in you – that's making you live so low. Jesus will help you transcend.

Why, I'm on a higher plain of existence now because of Je– wait – what's that outside the house? Well, if it isn't that nigger family's cat from down the street, clawing through our flowers! Dorah! Get me the .22. I'm going to finish that nigger's cat here and now. First them jigaboos move into our neighborhood, next thing their cats are shitting in our petunias. Got him on the first shot! Ha! Look at that fuzzball squirm. He's probably shitting himself right now! George, get me a garbage bag from under the sink. Got to get that cat out of here and in the trunk of the Lincoln before someone sees us! Damn nig! gers' and their nigger cats.

Now, where were we? Yes, yes, a higher plane of existence now see, so when Judgement Day...



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