Pusanweb Writing Contest 2002 - Non-Fiction
The Subway Salesman 
November 22, 2002
by Shawn Matthews  

I was riding the subway in Busan reading the Korean Herald when I heard someone make an announcement. I glanced up. It was a Subway Salesman. I have always found these people rather entertaining. They are usually lively, animated middle aged men that deliver their sales pitch with such gusto that you suddenly find yourself needing their wares, even if you can not understand Korean.

On this particular afternoon, the Subway Salesman appeared to be selling some sort of ring. He held it up and showed it around. Many people watched, whether because they were genuinely interested or because there is not a lot else do on a subway I am not sure, but they followed his hand intently with their eyes. He spoke at length about this apparently amazing ring, his voice rolling on, slowly getting louder, faster, rising higher and higher until it reached an almost feverish pitch. Then suddenly he stopped. All was quiet save the sound of the subway rocking down the tracks. He paused a moment for effect. Then, to my bewilderment, he put the ring on his thumb. Several people began to murmur. An Ajuma gasped and covered her mouth. The Subway Salesman held his thumb out and slowly showed it around drawing the close attention of every passenger in the car at this point. Next he reached down into a black bag and dramatically whipped out a clove of garlic. This is getting pretty bizarre, I thought. But then I finally figured it out. It was not just an ordinary ring. In fact it was a garlic cutting thumb ring! There was a blade on it! Within a few seconds the Subway Salesman had diced the garlic into a small pile in the palm of his hand. He held out his hand showing each passenger. As the strong odor filled the air, he continued on with his sales pitch. I wondered what he could possibly be saying for so long and so ravenously about it.

When at last he ended his spiel several men and women held out 1000 Won bills and purchased the extraordinary garlic cutting thumb ring. As he passed me, he gave me a look as if to say, "You must be crazy. You will rue the day you passed up this great bargain." The subway squealed to a stop and the Subway Salesman moved on to the next car.

He was right. Even to this day, whenever I slice garlic with an ordinary knife, I wish I had purchased that ring.

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