on being here sometimes
July 3, 2003
by Rebecca Power 

la la la dee da

it doesn't seem that impressive
now does it
not when you see it here like this
but if the right person were to sing it
it could fix you
break you touch you
oh yes
even kiss you

i am happy here
happy living where i am
half ways round the world
with the man that romance built
and i love him
but this is not about him
this is about the

la la la dee da
the melody that is smothering
between concrete and glass
between high rise happiness and slum sobrieties

this place has it all
everything a person could ever desire
why there's oodles and oodles of the stuff
and work
why there's so much work that you would never be without
and its cheap here
why you can eat your fill for a dollar
yes its heaven
pure heaven
(la la la dee da)
the beer is good
and cheap
the cigarettes are tolerable
if you destroy the filter
bars on every corner
and cheap mean taxis
yes just about everything a young gypsy could require
(la la la dee da)
dare i admit one
what good are all these alleys
if there is no drunk playing spoons
no whore selling kisses
no hobo bestowing wisdom
(la la la dee da)

this is heaven
without music

i am sorry
i cannot finish the praises that i stared to
about this place
i have gotten all caught up in the other part
the other
(la la la dee da)

what good is heaven
if the angels are too busy to sing

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